2010年5月14日 星期五

Tracy's speech

Tracy's speech

Tracy's speech Script


Tracy's speech Sound recording throuch text-to-speech convert to WAV

Tracy's speech Sound recording throuch text-to-speech convert to MP3

Tracy's speech Sound recording throuch text-to-speech

Sound recording throuch text-to-speech technology


Nathan's Power Point

Nathan's Power Point

2010年5月6日 星期四

How To Add Power Point Presentations To Blogger


Presented by TravelChineseOnline.com

How To Add Power Point Presentations To Blogger - Presentation Transcript
1. How to add PowerPoint presentations to www.blogger.com via SlideShare.net
2. Steps to Success
o Create your Presentation
o Upload it to SlideShare.net
o Get “Embed in Web Page” address information
o Post to Blogger.com
3. Step 1: Go to www.slideshare.net
4. Step 2: Go to ‘login’ (if you already have an account) or ‘signup’ for a new account
5. Step 3: Click ‘upload’
6. Step 4: Click on ‘single upload’. Select the powerpoint you want to upload and add the information.
7. Step 5: After it is done uploading, go to ‘My Slideshow’ and click on your powerpoint
8. Step 6: Once you see the powerpoint, open a new tab or window and go to www.blogger.com
9. Step 7: Sign in or register for a new account
10. Step 8: Click on ‘New Post’
11. Step 9: Once you get to the screen below, go back to the window with slideshare.
12. Step 10: Copy the text from the ‘Embed in your blog’
13. Step 11: Paste the text into the box. Add a title and then click ‘Publish post’
14. Step 12: Click ‘View Blog’
15. Once you see your powerpoint, then you are finished!

2010年5月5日 星期三

Han Yu Unit One Vocabulary, Sentences Collection Task

Han Yu Unit One Vocabulary, Sentences Collection Task

Since you have learnt lots of vocabulary, sentences related to "Saying greeting, Saying goodbye, Introduce your name, surname and firstname, Introduce your nationality, Introduce the language which you speak .................etc" from Han Yu Unit One and collected lots of vocabulary and sentences through MDBG, Dict.cn, nciba and iciku and analysis sentences through MDBG according to the text of Unit One.

You now should start to put all you collection together and post them on your blogger and under the "Han Yu Unit One Vocabulary, Sentences Collection Task".

Then make a sticker and directly link to http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/yr9chinesewghs2010-3

The duedate for this task is the beginning of week 4 term 1

Mr Yen

The instruction of "Introduce My Self" script

The instruction of "Introduce My Self" script:

During term one 2010, you have been assigned a task to compose, collect and write lots of sentences, paragraphs and articles related to the topic "Introduce My Self" on word document and sent them to yr9chinesewghs@gmail.com as part of your work and back up.

Now, You need to put them together as one article and post it under the title of "Introduce My Self" on your blogger to be your final script toward your speaking about "Introduce My Self"

Then you should make a sticker on http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/yr9chinesewghs2010-4 wall and directly link to your "Introduce My Self" script on your blogger.

The due date for this taks is the beginning of week 4 term 2.

Enjoy your work !!!

Mr Yen