2010年7月17日 星期六

2010年6月27日 星期日

2010年6月12日 星期六

yr9chinesewghs2010 Chinese Works Evaluation Forms

yr9chinesewghs2010 Class Chinese Works Evaluation Forms

Bella's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Carmen's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Yery's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Dayna's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Tracy's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Robyn's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Melanie's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Maggie's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Jocelyn's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Realene's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Jamye's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Briar's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Julianna's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Lucy's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Jessica Remmington's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Michaela's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Madison's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Olivia's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Jessica Tsang's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Amanda's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Helen's Chinese Works Evaluation Form

Quality of Living worldwide city rankings 2010 – Mercer survey

中国 上海, 26 May 2010


 新加坡在亚太地区排名居首,其次是东京
 香港排名第71位,上海第98位,北京第114位,排名与2009年相对一致
 澳大利亚和新西兰城市排名居前
 欧洲城市继续位居前列
 维也纳高居榜首,巴格达位居最末


美世的高级研究员Slagin Parakatil评论说,“随着世界经济的全球化,许多新兴市场的城市,如中东或亚洲的城市,在最近几年,已经大量涌入外国公司及海外派遣员工。尽管由于经济不景气,公司仍在努力控制成本,但生活质量和艰苦津贴仍然是补偿不同生活条件海外派遣员工的重要手段”。

Parakatil 还补充说:“排名靠前的城市优化了其对可再生能源的利用,尽量减少污染(空气、水、噪音等)。一个城市的生态状况或其对可持续发展的态度对居民的生活质量产生重要的影响。因此,公司在派遣长期的海外员工时,这些是非常重要的因素,特别是绝大多数海外派遣员工被派遣到了这些城市。
尽管该地区的几个城市(香港、北京和上海)保持了和往年相对一致的排名:香港排名第71位,上海第98位,北京第114位,我们也看到了一些新的变化。堪培拉作为新加入的城市,排名第26位;东京的排名有所下降,从2009年的第35位降至2010年的第40位 (主要是由于气候的变化,得分也和其他类似东京的城市非常相近)。 新加坡仍然是排名最高的亚洲城市,位居第28位。

奥克兰(第4 位)排名不变,仍然是该地区生活质量排名最高的城市。悉尼位居其后,为第10名,威灵顿排第12位,墨尔本第18位,珀斯第21位。

美世全球员工流动信息产品解决方案亚太地区负责人Cathy Loose说道 ,“美世生活质量指数每年的变化,反映了政治和自然灾害的变化。在过去的几年里,我们看到了新兴城市生活质量发生的变化,如北京和上海,这对派往该地的海外派遣员工的艰苦津贴产生了影响。非常重要的一点是,公司需要每年审查这些指数,以便和影响海外派遣员工薪酬的要素,特别是艰苦条件的变化保持一致。”


Quality of Living worldwide city rankings 2010 – Mercer survey

Vienna retains the top spot as the city with the world’s best quality of living, according to the Mercer 2010 Quality of Living Survey. Zurich and Geneva follow in second and third position, respectively, while Vancouver and Auckland remain joint fourth in the rankings.

Rank 2010 City Country Qol index 2010

2010年5月14日 星期五

Tracy's speech

Tracy's speech

Tracy's speech Script


Tracy's speech Sound recording throuch text-to-speech convert to WAV

Tracy's speech Sound recording throuch text-to-speech convert to MP3

Tracy's speech Sound recording throuch text-to-speech

Sound recording throuch text-to-speech technology


Nathan's Power Point

Nathan's Power Point

2010年5月6日 星期四

How To Add Power Point Presentations To Blogger


Presented by TravelChineseOnline.com

How To Add Power Point Presentations To Blogger - Presentation Transcript
1. How to add PowerPoint presentations to www.blogger.com via SlideShare.net
2. Steps to Success
o Create your Presentation
o Upload it to SlideShare.net
o Get “Embed in Web Page” address information
o Post to Blogger.com
3. Step 1: Go to www.slideshare.net
4. Step 2: Go to ‘login’ (if you already have an account) or ‘signup’ for a new account
5. Step 3: Click ‘upload’
6. Step 4: Click on ‘single upload’. Select the powerpoint you want to upload and add the information.
7. Step 5: After it is done uploading, go to ‘My Slideshow’ and click on your powerpoint
8. Step 6: Once you see the powerpoint, open a new tab or window and go to www.blogger.com
9. Step 7: Sign in or register for a new account
10. Step 8: Click on ‘New Post’
11. Step 9: Once you get to the screen below, go back to the window with slideshare.
12. Step 10: Copy the text from the ‘Embed in your blog’
13. Step 11: Paste the text into the box. Add a title and then click ‘Publish post’
14. Step 12: Click ‘View Blog’
15. Once you see your powerpoint, then you are finished!

2010年5月5日 星期三

Han Yu Unit One Vocabulary, Sentences Collection Task

Han Yu Unit One Vocabulary, Sentences Collection Task

Since you have learnt lots of vocabulary, sentences related to "Saying greeting, Saying goodbye, Introduce your name, surname and firstname, Introduce your nationality, Introduce the language which you speak .................etc" from Han Yu Unit One and collected lots of vocabulary and sentences through MDBG, Dict.cn, nciba and iciku and analysis sentences through MDBG according to the text of Unit One.

You now should start to put all you collection together and post them on your blogger and under the "Han Yu Unit One Vocabulary, Sentences Collection Task".

Then make a sticker and directly link to http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/yr9chinesewghs2010-3

The duedate for this task is the beginning of week 4 term 1

Mr Yen

The instruction of "Introduce My Self" script

The instruction of "Introduce My Self" script:

During term one 2010, you have been assigned a task to compose, collect and write lots of sentences, paragraphs and articles related to the topic "Introduce My Self" on word document and sent them to yr9chinesewghs@gmail.com as part of your work and back up.

Now, You need to put them together as one article and post it under the title of "Introduce My Self" on your blogger to be your final script toward your speaking about "Introduce My Self"

Then you should make a sticker on http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/yr9chinesewghs2010-4 wall and directly link to your "Introduce My Self" script on your blogger.

The due date for this taks is the beginning of week 4 term 2.

Enjoy your work !!!

Mr Yen

2010年4月30日 星期五

Introducing myself in Chinese summary

Introducing myself in Chinese summary

[URL=http://www.zshare.net/audio/75575765ec2b8eb7/]Introducing myself in Chinese summary.wav[/URL]

Listen to Introducing myself in Chinese summary

2010年4月23日 星期五

"A plan for China Trip "

The topic for this project is "A plan for China Trip ".
Imagine you are planning a holiday trip in China with your family and friends and you are assigned a duty to choose a place and plan the itinerary. Your main task on this project is making this plan attractive, interesting, entertaining and informing.

You should search and choose at least 5 of the famous tourist spots, buildings, historical sites, mountains, rivers...etc, including the culture, costume, cuisine … etc of the place you choose. You will present your project to your Chinese class to invite and attract them to go with you.

You may work individually or in pairs to produce information and pioctures about your choosen places.

When you finish your task, make a sticker on http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/yr9chinesewghs2010-2 and directly link to your "A plan for China Trip " poject on your blogger.

Your project could be in the form of powerpoint, a wall chart or booklet …., any form of presentation, but at the end, you need to post it to your Blogger or blog and make a stick on the wallwisher under "A plan for China Trip " directly link to your work on your Blogger or blog.

Sources of information:
You can find some useful research information in the school library or at your local library. You can also find materials in encyclopedias, or on CD-Roms such as Encarta. There is a huge amount of materials on the Internet such as Wikipedia, but be careful not to blindly copy of information. Many of the regions have their own sites. Google and Wikipedia are good search engine for China.


You should acknowledge the source of document for any information you get from by attaching the book name, publisher, author, photographer and/or website address to prevent you breach copy right.

Mr Yen

2010年4月5日 星期一

Hua Mulan - Year 9 Chinese Project

Year 9 Chinese Project – Hua Mulan

Your task is to design a powerpoint about the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, a woman who disguises herself as a man to take the place of her elderly father in the army.
Your powerpoint should be able to tell

1. The story of Ha Mulan
2. The moral of Mulan’s story
3. The reflection which you think about the Mulan’s story

You might present in both English and Chinese

Mulan is a young girl who wants to please and honor her family, but seems destined to fail. When she is sent to a matchmaker to win a good husband, her gawkiness and lack of grace lead to shame and rejection. These problems pale, however, when her aging father is summoned to join the Chinese army and repel the invading Huns. Realizing that her father could never survive in battle, Mulan's courage and ingenuity eventually distinguish her in the eyes of her commander, Captain Shang. With the help of her pint-sized dragon protector, Mushu, Mulan is key in turning back the Huns in battle. When she is wounded, it is discovered that she is a woman, and Shang abandons her as a traitor. Left behind, Mulan sees the Hun army heading for the Imperial Palace and races there. When Mulan defeats Hun general Shan-Yu and saves the Emporer, she brings honor upon herself and her family and wins the heart of Captain Shang.
The story of a brave Chinese woman named Mulan has been told in China for nearly 2,000 years. Mulan is rumored to have been a real person. "Mulan" is the first feature primarily produced at Walt Disney Feature Animations Florida, Disney's state-of-the-art animation studio in Orlando, which began operation nearly 10 years ago.
The artistic approach to the film was based on the Chinese "sing" style of "negative," or empty, spaces balanced by "positive" detail -- almost a "yin and yang" concept. The movie's artistic supervisors spent three weeks in China sketching, photographing, and soaking up the culture. Computer animators used the latest technology to add detail and mimic camera techniques that were previously unavailable in animation -- like crowd scenes of up to 30,000 people. They used a computer program called "Atilla" to make an incredible sequence featuring 2,000 Huns on horseback.
Mulan 2 Movie Part 1 :

2010年3月11日 星期四


Tracy - 您叫什么名字 What is your name...

What is your name...您叫什么名字
My name is...我的名字是His name is...
他的名字Her name is... 她的名字是My mother's name is...
Date:11/02/10OriginalText SimplifiedChineseMandarinEnglishdefinitionTraditionalvariantHSK? C
我 - wǒ - I / me / my 1
是shì - is / are / am / yes / to be 1
学生-學生 - xuésheng - student / school child
I am a student
wǒ shì xuésheng

2010年3月9日 星期二

Yery Cho

This is a sentence I translated from MDBG:
我有一只猫. 她的名字是 Tabby. 她有七个手指

Tracy Han - 9 Feb 2010

-To be held in Shanghai, Eastern China during May-October this 2010.
-The Logo or emblem for the expo has 3 people together in green.
-This year's expo carries out the theme saying, "Better City, better life."
-There are going to be around 200 countries contributing.
-Around 70 million people are anticipated for this large event.
-The mascot represents a Chinese Character and is drawn in blue.
-The expo is intended to be located nearby the Huangpu River.
-The area for this event is 5.28 square kilometres.

China's population: 1 325 639 982
Shanghai's population: 18 884 600
Beijing's population:13 000 000

Map of China: Chinese town, cities and provinces in translation.

Tibet (Xizang)-藏
Sichuan Province-四川
Guangdong Province-广东
Hong Kong-香港

2010年3月8日 星期一

Chinese Name - Olivia Thomas

Chinese Name - jocelyn lim

我正在学习中文 - I am learning Chinese
新年快乐 – Happy Chinese new Year!
我有2 兄弟 – I have 2 brothers
我有一姐姐 – I have 1 older sister
我喜欢吃冰淇淋 – I like eating ice-cream
我喜欢吃寿司 – I like eating sushi
今年是虎年 – This year is tiger year.
我是马来西亚的人 – I am Malaysian
我十三岁 – I am thirteen
我出生在新西兰 – I was born in New Zealand
我有黑色的头发 – I have black hair
我学到繁体中文 – I have learnt traditional Chinese before

我正在学习中文 - I am learning Chinese
新年快乐 – Happy Chinese new Year!
我有2 兄弟 – I have 2 brothers
我有一姐姐 – I have 1 older sister
我喜欢吃冰淇淋 – I like eating ice-cream
我喜欢吃寿司 – I like eating sushi
今年是虎年 – This year is tiger year.
我是马来西亚的人 – I am Malaysian
我十三岁 – I am thirteen
我出生在新西兰 – I was born in New Zealand
我有黑色的头发 – I have black hair
我学到繁体中文 – I have learnt traditional Chinese before

Robyn Harper - Rosi Chinese Name

MDBG Translation - carmen cao

Happy New Year.

I have three younger brothers.

Thank you.

Where are you from?

I live in New Zealand.

I like to go china/ Guangzhou.

What school do you go to?
你 什么学校去?
你去什么学校 ?
你上什么学校 ?

I miss all of my friends from glenfield intermediate school.
我想念 的格伦菲尔德中间我所有的朋友。
我想念 我在格伦菲尔德中学 所有的朋友

My friends are all nice.

I have are wonderful family.
I have a wonderful family.

我 已经是 美好的家庭。
我 有一个 美好的家庭

Isabella Aliimatafitafi homework - chinese name

I have a little furry donky

我有一只小毛馿(wǒ yǒ yī zhǐ xiǎo máo lǘ)
我从来也不骑(wǒ cóng lái yě bù qí)
有一天我心血来潮(yǒ yī tiān wǒ xīn xǐe lái cháo)
骑着去赶集(qí zhē qù gǎn jí)
我手里拿着小皮鞭(wǒ shǒu lǐ ná zhē xiǎo pí biān)
我心里真得意(wǒ xīn lǐ zhēn dé yì)
不知怎么哗啦啦啦啦(bù zhī zěn mē huá lā lā lā lā)
我摔了一身泥(wǒ shuāi le yī shēn nì)

Vocabulary - Pinyin - Description
有 - yǒu - to have / there is / there are / to exist / to be
一只 - yī zhǐ - one / single / a
小毛馿 - xiǎo máo lǘ - little furry donkey
从来 - cóng lái - always / at all times / never (if used in negative sentence)
也不 - yě bù - neither / nor
骑 - qíto - ride (an animal or bike)
一天 - yī tiān - one day
心血来潮 - xīn xuè lái cháo - hit upon a sudden idea / prompted by a sudden impulse / carried away by a whim
去 - qù - to go / to leave / to remove
赶 - gǎn - catch up; drive away; hurrygǎn to catch up / to overtake / to hurry / to rush / to drive away
集 - jí - to gather / to collect / collected works
手里 - shǒu lǐ - (a situation is) in (someone's) hands
拿 - ná - to hold / to seize / to catch / to apprehend / to take
皮鞭 - pí biān - lash
心里 - xīn lǐ - ones heart and mind
真 - zhēn - real / true / genuine
得意 - dé yì - (be) proud of oneself / pleased with oneself
不知 - bù zhī - unknowing
怎么 - zěn me - how? / what? / why?
哗啦 - huá lā - (word performing the grammatical functions of mood)
摔 - shuāi - throw on ground / to fall
一身 - yī shēn - the entire body
泥 - nì - restrained, - ní - mud / paste / pulp